Welcome my friend!

Are you in a season of loss or a painful transition in life?

The 35 songs on this playlist will:

  1. guide you through the stages of grief.
  2. help you release stagnant energy.
  3. transform your pain into power as you become the most courageously authentic version of yourself yet!

Take your healing journey one step at a time. One day at a time. One song at a time. And feel the healing unfold!

"It is your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one may walk it for you." -Rumi

Hello friend. I’m glad you’re here. My name is Andrea Blythe and I’m the creator of Let Love Rise. In 2019 the foundation of my life started to shake, and by the end of 2021 I was standing in the wreckage of a life in ruins. I was in the darkest place I had ever been. It is through music and the storytelling on Let Love Rise the blog that I started to a shine light into the dark places of my grief, and my pain slowly began to lift. You have the same power of healing within you and this music will 'walk the road' with you!

So let the healing begin! Crank up the tunes and allow the music to transform your grief.

With love and light,

Andrea Blythe

Start listening to the 35 songs
to help you move through grief

Want more encouragement?

Check out www.letloverise.com for the stories behind the music.

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